Monday, April 6, 2009

serve scathum

The more I research dandelions, the more I realize how crazy some people really are. Apparently this video is just for fun? It's totally ridiculous and utterly stupid, for sure, but funny? Ok, so I did chuckle (out loud), but the scary thing is that there are many loopy people who actually believe that Obama is the antichrist. It's the definition of agnotology.

Not sure if I heard "serve satan." Sounds more like "serve scathum" to me, but honestly you dandelion creator people... really? I can't believe people have the time to make these. There is even an entire YouTube channel devoted to Antichrist Obamanation (I am not making this up) that includes videos relating Obama to the antichrist, i.e., speech reversals, biblical code, Nostradamus. Totally out of control, isn't it? At least now we know where Fox gets their news...

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